Our research team investigates how individuals’ emotions influence their behaviour within a context of rapid climate change and environmental disasters. Our ability to anticipate and understand implicit and explicit emotions will help societies prevent, respond, and resolve environmental challenges and crises. Along the way, we’re actively creating a new academic culture: one that is non-hierarchical, inclusive, and collaborative, with a healthy dose of adventure, curiosity, and laughter.

Things that need to be normalized in the academic process and careers: rejection; failure; uncertainty; not knowing; shitty first drafts (SFD).

Things that need to be demystified: how messy, time-consuming, frustrating etc research process can be; how much politics can part of the process, e.g., within a committee and/or publishing.

Things that need to be challenged outright: isolation; zero-sum thinking; 110% commitment at the expense of health and well-being; etc